Building the Learning Commons
What was a library is now much more....
A meeting space
A place to create
A place to interact
A place to explore
A place to collaborate
A place to share
This was a hallway..... |
...this was, too. |
The inset spaces were a part of a very weirdly shaped office. |
This is well on it's way to being a greenscreen studio. (photos soon) |
The view from the 3,4,5 hallway. |
The door was here! |
Much nicer than the checkout station that was here before.
I've meant to share long before now but it has taken alot of time and energy to get it this far. We are still a bit "in progress" but it improves every day. It's exciting to see our kids and teachers discover that the space is theirs. Friday I had a kindergarten class reading a big book at the same time a 2nd grade class choose library books. Not long before, 2 4th graders sat under the "tree" and worked together on a project. My class is more technology based this year so teachers are bringing the kids for checkouts on a more flexible basis. We are a work in progress but I'm excited to see what's to come.
Blog coming soon on the Discovery Hub...our ugly white room transformed into 3,4,5 library and tech central.